Expansion: Learning my Dimensions and adjusting expectations.

November 9 2024

The Decks:

Krans-Wild Unknown Alchemy

Krans-Wild Unknown Archetype

Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot

The Cards


Anima Mundi

The Sun

The Process

I did some breathing to ground. Talked to the Decks told them they were working together.

I shuffled the deck telling it that it would be working with the other two.

Found the Card by shuffling until I was ready and then stating okay I’m ready; pulling the card that caught my eye or picking up the one that flew out of the deck after the statement.

Studied each card pulled before pulling the next

Pulled from each Deck in counterclockwise fashion

The Take Away

I pulled Tin first, I really resonated with it’s expansion ability coupled with fragility. Tin is malleable and can be stretched to cover things but cannot hold up much weight. I thought ahh yes this is me expanding a bit to far and then unable to maintain said expansion and hitting a breaking point. So while shuffling the Archetypes I politely asked what archetype would help bring strength. My eye Catching the card that would be Anima Mundi, I almost rolled by eyes which I saw it. Yes yes Becoming one with the connective loving fiber of the Universe would definitely grant me strength. The Initiation here is learning to recognize your part in the symphony, to see how it blend so beautifully with the whole. To embody this unification “accept all reject none”. So I think to myself, okay Maybe I don’t need to worry to much about expansion but knowing what is mine to cover so that I am strong enough as I am. The RWS deck was eager to add its 2 cents and once I said I was ready the Sun Flew out and on to the floor. Radiant energy, illumination it is about being able to see the concepts of the Anima Mundi/The World. To be able to observe the world as Unified and Alive, to see that we have our own light to add. The Animal Mundi is the embodied version of the Sun. Seeing and Believing. Quite an optimistic message today.

The Action

In accordance with the suggestion of the Cards I plan to unveil my resistance to love. Let myself wail aloud and be heard (a tin cry) when I feel it is need. I will also attempted to not let myself get swept up in the nitty gritty. To see myself a bit more in 3rd perspective as a part of the whole. I did get out in the sun for a bike ride with the pups, that was a great joy to feel the sun and feel the freedom of movement without Fear. I did a few wails at home while cooking for the fun of it as well.


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