The Gem Day 5: King of Pentacles and Saturn
For the Next 2 Days the Primary Archetype I will be working with is The Gem. Each day I will pull a card from the Alchemy Deck and one from The RWS deck (not necessarily in that order). These two cards will provide the Lens for which I look at The GEM
Shuffling the Decks I explained the Premise and then After I finished Shuffling I announced that I was Ready and pulled the card that got my attention, studied it and repeated the process.
Today the order was left 1st right 2nd.
The Cards:
The Gem: The Wild Unknown Archetype, Kim Krans
Saturni/Saturn: The Wild Unknown Alchemy, Kim Krans
King of Pentacles: Tarot, Rider-Waite-Smith (RWS)
The Story:
Its been a week, Searching for the Gem has me floundering, and sleepy. When I get really sleepy is when I know I’m being anxiously avoidant of things. I’ve gotten sloppy with my usual practices and being quite indulgent with my lounging self. This is the second day in a row I have pulled the King of pentacles. Saturn as a Side kick really ups the anti. Seems to suggest that My Gem is in the way I live my life, being able to luxuriate in the existence that I have created for myself. There is one line from the Saturn card description that really kicks at me “become ones own central authority”. I can only find my Gem when I am the king of myself. When I am able to rest on my loreals safely cradled in the structure I have created for myself, and oh boy I have laid waste to the structure that has been cradling me. Time to get back to basics.