The Judge Rises while Listening to the Whisper
This is the inaugural pull of using these three decks in conjunction. I have learned that I really enjoy pulling from multiple different decks to witness them in conversation.
The Decks:
Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot
Krans-Wild Unknown Alchemy
Krans-Wild Unknown Archetype
The Cards
Page of Cups
The Judge
The Process
I did some 4-4-4-4 breaking or box breathing to ground. Talked to the Decks told them they were working together. Asked who wanted to go first. RWS deck is pretty established in its authority so it immediately wanted attention.
I shuffled the decks telling it that it would be working with the other two.
Found the Card
wrote about each individual card before pulling the next.
My rotation was counter clockwise with the order of pulling the cards.
At the end of each pull and individual study I looked at them as a whole
The Take Away
The Dominant card appeared to be The Judge This was the Archetype the thing that wanted the attention. The Judge has some pit-falls to avoid that are similar to the the pitfalls/shadow of Sublimation. The idea is to get a vantage point from which to see clearly what is going on. Not to Separate from or see your self as above others. Its about the Elation of Right Action. Of being able to make the right choice and see that it is the right choice for you and for others. The Page of Cups the little whisper that you need to listen to. IT is the reminder that you are a student and are forever a student.
I enjoyed seeing the Page as the initial card- and interpreted it as a yes listen to these cards build your creative and psychic awareness, Listen to what you see here.
The Action
Today I am going to remove myself from my comfort zone. I plan to drive around town and leave my painting sketches around. This is something that I used to do often and then stopped, then had no car for 6 months so was unable to have these little adventures. I had told myself that when I got a car again I would start up my Synchronicity work again, but haven’t quite fulfilled that promise. On my journey I plant to listen to my whisper and to act in aid where I can and hold the question of “what is the right action here?” at the fore-front of my mind.
I have a hunch that I will want to go up somewhere high to get the Sublimation view of things, but I want to let myself fall into flow state. No plans no promises.