Truth as a Gateway into Inclusive Multiplicity
The Decks:
Krans-Wild Unknown Alchemy
Krans-Wild Unknown Archetype
Rider-Waite-Smith Tarot
The Cards
Cauda Pavonis/The Peacock’s Tail
Ace of Pentacles
The Process
I did some 4-4-4-4 breaking or box breathing to ground. Talked to the Decks told them they were working together.
Rotated who goes 1st counterclockwise from the last pull
I shuffled the deck telling it that it would be working with the other two.
Found the Card
Studied each card pulled before pulling the next
Pulled from each Deck in counterclockwise fashion
The Take Away
The Ace of Pentacles offers the setting, The Giant Coin is Aletheia (Truth) and once we see the coin we also see the gateway. Taking a Step towards Truth is also allowing the Peacock’s Tail to begin to Fan out, it is the shift from single to multiple perspectives, a portal of possibilities a gateway to inclusion. The shift from Black and White to Color. Aletheia is a card that is mostly Black and White. but we notice a Golden orb and a speck of light that sit on the division between Black and White. This the point from which the Peacock’s Tail begins to fan out. We we start to open ourselves to the truth we often start to see the Splendor of the world. We can begin to witness the garden, and then the Gateway appears and shows us there is so much more to explore.
The Action
The cards suggested taking steps towards Truth and to bring in as much color as possible today. I had already Planned to go the Library today, and was thinking about writing letters. I plan to bring my address book and mailing supplies and think about who I want to speak the Truth to, Who can I share my unadulterated self. Who do I need to be Honest with. Also While I am there I plan to find and peruse lots of Art books, and Garden/flower books, maybe even find a book with some peacocks.